Please write the observations for the following:
Mindful Walking
- What was your focus (eg. Sole of the foot, feet touching the ground, movement of the legs etc )
- What did you observe (eg. Floor felt cold , ground was rough, feeling of weight transfer etc )
Mindful Sitting
- What was your focus (eg. Breathing, Rising and falling of the chest, Sitting posture etc )
- What did you observe (eg. Cold Breath going in, Warm breath coming out etc )
Mindful Activity -
"Reduce - Reuse - Recycle - Dispose of waste mindfully"
This week's activity is to mindfully dispose, reuse or recycle waste/garbage. Take one item at a time; it could be your leftover food, empty milk cartons, plastic wrappers or emptying out the vacuum cleaner. Try and observe and notice the following: the
quantity/size of waste, smell, look, colour and any sensations. Observe how the waste is different from the original product. Mindfully dispose of the waste whether it is to the garbage bin, recycle bin or if you can reuse it for another purpose such
as art and craft. Try and observe whether it was different when you did the activity mindfully - for example did you put everything in the bin, did anything spill out, did you wash or clean the items before recycling to reduce contamination. Write about your experience on Moodle using the above points as guidance.