Mindful Walking, Sitting and Activity - 17 July 2021

Mindful Walking, Sitting and Activity - 17 July 2021

Number of replies: 4

Please write the observations for the following:

Mindful Walking

  • What was your focus (eg. Sole of the foot, feet touching the ground, movement of the legs etc )
  • What did you observe (eg. Floor felt cold , ground was rough, feeling of weight transfer etc )

Mindful Sitting

  • What was your focus (eg. Breathing, Rising and falling of the chest, Sitting posture etc )
  • What did you observe (eg. Cold Breath going in, Warm breath coming out etc )

Mindful Activity - Mindful cleaning

Cleaning is a part of our everyday life, but how often do you do it mindfully? For this mindful  activity find something in your house in need of cleaning. It can be your Bedroom, desk, dishes etc. Observe it before cleaning, then begin to clean the object; focusing on your sensations, such as how your object looks, smells and feels. Observe the cleaning products and aids you are using and your movements ( slow, fast soft or hard). If your mind wonders calmly and kindly be aware that it has wondered and bring it back to the present moment , back to the cleaning. Once you have finished cleaning observe the quality of your work and see if there is a difference in cleaning mindfully.

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Re: Mindful Walking, Sitting and Activity - 17 July 2021

by Methmal Gunaratne -
The task I have chosen is cleaning a table. I began by gathering the table mats, it felt rough. I moved them away to another table temporarily. Then I lifted the newspaper to move, I noticed that the newspaper felt softer than regular paper. I then placed it down with the other magazines and newspapers. Then I found a book on the table. After dusting it off I walked into the room without the bookshelf. I noticed that the room I was previously was tiled and it was colder than the other kind of flooring in the room with a bookshelf. When I was putting the book back in our bookshelf my mind wandered to a cartoon I watched yesterday. I made my mind come back by observing what I was doing, which was opening the door. I found a beanie on the table. I picked it up and walked to another room. The door handles were cold. I walked through the door and opened a storage compartment. I listened to the sound of the door creak and my footsteps. I put the beanie into the place it was meant to go and walked out and closed the storage door and slowly went back to the table. I then picked up two different items - some tissues and more paper. I first decided to deal with the tissues. I need to put those in the kitchen bin. As I walked over to the bin, my mind was distracted by the smell of the food. I then stopped and thought to myself “what am I doing?”. I was opening the bin lid to put the tissues inside. Next I put the papers in a used paper file, the papers were rougher than usual because it had been used before.

When the table was finally clear I wiped the table using a wet cloth. I noticed that there was a chemical smell on the cloth and it was wet. I then finished by placing the table mats back on the table.

By doing this task, I realised that when I do it slower and more mindfully I felt more peaceful.

By Methmal Gunaratne Year 6
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Re: Mindful Walking, Sitting and Activity - 17 July 2021

by Sethmal Gunaratne -
My task today was to clean a messy desk.

First, I observed the objects on the table that made the dirty.
The objects was pieces of paper, lego, my mother’s phone, a
bow and some arrows.

The first thing I picked up was the papers.
The papers felt a bit rough when I was putting them where
they were supposed to go.

I brought my mothers phone to her desk.
My mothers phone case felt a bit rough and soft at
the same time. After I did that I had a small break.

After that, I put the bow and arrows away.
The toy felt hard.

The last thing I needed to do was get a wet cloth
and wipe the surface of the desk. I wiped the
surface of the desk in a medium speed. I got
distracted with a past thought but I came back
when I felt the wetness of the cloth.

At the end the desk was clean. During the
activity I felt relaxed.

By Sethmal Gunaratne (Year 3)
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Re: Mindful Walking, Sitting and Activity - 17 July 2021

by Nethula Samarasekara -
My mindful activity was cleaning the dishes. As I touched the first dish I observed the weight of it. Then when I touched the tap I felt the cold metal touch my hands. When the tap opened i heard the noise of the water hitting the sink. As my hands touched the plate it was very cold. Also the water was cold. After a few seconds i started to smell the dishwasher liquid. I noticed this smell was very strong. As i was washing the plate it was very smooth. After I finished washing that plate i got another plate. It was lighter and it was also very smooth. Then i got the third plate. Its weight was in between the other two plates and was also smooth. Then i picked up a spoon to wash. It was super light and was cold. After finishing that i went on to wash a dessert cup. It was plastic and it had small patterns that i could feel. After i finished cleaning them all i felt my hands were freezing. I also felt happy and refreshed after cleaning the plates, spoon and the dessert cup.
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Re: Mindful Walking, Sitting and Activity - 17 July 2021

by Jithnuka Jayaweera -
My task was putting clothes into the washing machine.

I first got everyone's clothes from around the house. Different clothes had many different textures, silky, rough, soft, puffy, I observed each of these. Then I organized the clothes into darks and whites mindfully, I noticed that all the white clothes were very soft or made of silk, none of them were rough or hard, whereas the dark's had many different textures. Now, I started to place the clothes into the washing machine. I noticed the feeling of the washing machine, it was smooth, shiny and felt wet. After fitting all the clothes into the washing machine, I closed the glass screen, it felt old and rough. I opened the tray, which screeched and grated against the washing machine as I pulled it out. I poured 3/4 a cup of the cleaning powder into the tray, noticing the strong smell it emitted. I put the tray back into the washing machine, setting the temperature to 40 degrees celsius and pressing the 'quick wash' button. I noted the whirring sound of the washing machine, and water began to pour out onto the clothes.

Finishing my cleaning I felt refreshed, and satisfied with myself.